Cortisol, High Levels

Cortisol is a life-sustaining adrenal hormone essential in the maintenance of health by helping the body meet challenges in life by converting proteins into energy, releasing glycogen and counteracting inflammation. This is good in short bursts, but not so good for long-term stress. To much cortical over too long a time gradually tears the body down.

Cortisol has other effects on the body. Elevated cortisol is short term can have beneficial effects but in the long term can cause problems. Both too little or too much cortisol can interfere with the production of thyroid hormones. It also partially shuts down the immune system making the body more susceptible to sickness.

Cortisol also inhibits the growth of muscle cells when the levels are too high for too long. It inhibits bone formation and decreases calcium absorption in the intestines so there is no bone growth or muscle growth when cortical levels remain high.

High cortisol levels will

  • Inhibit or destroy healthy muscle and bone
  • Slow down healing and normal cell regeneration
  • Affect other vital hormone production such as the thyroid
  • Impair digestion and metabolism
  • Impair mental function
  • Impair endocrine system such as the reproductive system
  • Weaken immune system

Cortisol and the adrenal system are designed to provide an immediate response to a stressful situation which allows the body to shut down certain activities and allows it to deal with the stressor. But overloaded for long periods of time adrenal fatigue may be related to other conditions such as fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue, arthritis and premature menopause.

A visit to the Urban Integrative IV and Detox Clinic will help you work out what you need to counteract these symptoms. Proper testing to evaluate the exact cause/causes of your symptoms and a correctly balanced treatment plan designed specifically for you.