Candida Albicans

Candida Albicans is a yeast found in the skin, mouth, the mucous membranes and intestines.  This yeast only becomes a problem when it goes out of control and becomes an infectious agent. Then the intestinal wall is weakened and the overgrowth penetrates through into the bloodstream releasing its by-products. One of the major by-products of this yeast overgrowth is called acetaldehyde a poisonous toxin which can circulate throughout the body and cause unpleasant symptoms.  As the immune system is weakened it struggles to cope with the toxic overload but unless treated the Candida will dominate. This results in oral infections, genital infections and nails fungal infections. It can also travel through the blood and can affect the throat, intestines and heart valves.

The causes of the overgrowth can be varied.  Antibiotics, a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates, oral contraceptives, alcohol, drugs and stress.  Other factors can be pregnancy, obesity and Diabetes mellitus. 

There are wide-ranging side effects which can result in one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Brain fog/poor concentration/ poor memory
  • Lethargy/fatigue
  • Genital infections/itching
  • Anxiety/panic attacks/mood swings/depression
  • Hyperactivity/attention problems
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome/diarrhea/constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Headaches/eye fatigue
  • Sinus problems
  • Fungal infections
  • Joint pain
  • Ringworm/Athletes foot
  • Frequent infections
  • Weight gain

Candida overgrowth has been increasing rapidly over the past few decades. The modern diet of processed foods and candy along with the increased prevalence of obesity and diabetes plus a much more frequent use of antibiotics are all causes for the overgrowth.

It can be a debilitating condition which can prevent full participation in life. In order to combat this problem and get relief from your symptoms, a definite program should be followed until the problem is entirely dealt with. Please contact the front desk at Urban Integrative IV and Detox Clinic at (416)463-2911 and book an appointment. The road out might take some time and persistence but we can lead you out of this situation.

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