Quick Power Up IV Room

  • up to 45 minutes long IVs
  • meant to help alleviate a temporary condition
  • delivered to a generally healthy individual
  • require an intake form that shows no contraindications present
  • doesn’t require an hour consultation with our Nurse Practitioners

Wellness Infusion aka Myer’s Cocktail – the Gold Standard

This popular IV delivers hydration, vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream to maximize your overall health and wellness. Since IV vitamin therapy bypasses your digestive system, it is also ideal for patients with malabsorption issues as a result of weight loss surgery, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease or pernicious anemia.

Energy Booster Infusion

Delivers extra B vitamins and strong B12 to kick start your day, athletic performance, and mojo. This blend of high performing B vitamins will help to increase your energy, improve your mood and help your body deal with stress. Our proprietary Energy Infusion delivers powerful boosters that rev up your mitochondria for increased energy ATP production, such as NADH, D-ribose, L-carnitine, and L-arginine. This Energy Infusion provides you with energy without the coffee jitters.

Be Trim – Weight Loss Infusion

Combines antioxidants, B vitamins, chromium, and MIC (Methionine Inositol Choline) which supports your body’s fat-burning mechanisms with lipotropic substances that specifically target fatty deposits and help to remove fat out the body while providing you with more energy and increasing your metabolism. This can be used in combination with our medically supervised weight loss program. Recommended to enhance any weight-loss program you are involved in. Ask us for more information on our weight loss program.

Beauty/Skin Lightening Infusion

Delivers a high concentration of glutathione and biotin to protect your cells from harmful toxins, detoxify the liver to reduce signs of aging, and improve the quality of your hair, skin, and nails. Also provides Vitamin C to support collagen production and B vitamins to help your skin glow from increased nutrient conversion to energy. Glutathione is popularly used in the beauty industry to help reduce blemishes and brighten your skin. This booster is ideal for patients who want to maximize their results from receiving Botox, Dermal Fillers, PRP, micro needling or other facial rejuvenation services. Can be used in conjunction with prescription-strength skin lightening creams provided in our clinic

Relaxation/Be Calm Infusion

Delivers supportive nutrients for the 21st century fast-paced lifestyle of deadlines, traffic congestion, and stimulation that leaves us under stress, agitated, anxious, exhausted, unable to focus and with poor sleep quality. Packed with relaxing magnesium, brain-boosting GPC, and nutritive amino acids to ease your nerves and support adrenals on overdrive. This infusion will help you find your state of tranquil bliss.

Hydration – The Morning After Infusion

Did you overindulge last night? This infusion delivers extra hydration, plus additional vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream. This IV can have the addition of medications for nausea and headaches to help you recover quickly from a hangover or migraine headache. Medications require an appointment with one of our medical clinicians.

Immunity and Recovery Booster Infusion

Delivers extra Vitamin C to help your body prevent or fight a cold or flu, allergies or any illness. Since Vitamin C also helps your body heal faster, this booster is ideal for post-surgical patients.




Delivering hydration & nutrients through intravenous route means you achieve 100% absorption of these fundamental elements. When consuming sports drinks, energy drinks or oral vitamins, they all pass through your digestive tract and you may not receive all the nutritional benefits.


Dehydration can be very detrimental to your body. Skin and organ damages and discomfort can result from 2% dehydration. Your body will feel the benefits of receiving extra hydration. Beneficial for those who are athletes or perform a lot of physical exertion in their daily activities.


Proper vitamin intake is needed in order for your body to function at it’s highest. Through IV therapy, essential nutrients are delivered directly to where they are needed.


Your body’s energy level is based on full re-hydration and maximum nutrient consumption. Feel refreshed and re-energize.

The beneficial effects of IV therapy may be felt instantaneous or over the next couple of hours. Repeated IV therapy has an accumulative effect of improving symptoms. It is recommended to have at least five IV therapies.

We offer attractive packages to promote the benefit of multiple IV therapies. Now you can put behind those days not feeling your best and know you have proven IV nutrient therapies to support feeling hungover, lethargic, jet-lagged, recuperating from sickness or from strenuous exercise and activities.

Quick Power Up IVs Intake Form

The Quick Power Up IVs don’t require an hour consultation with our Nurse Practitioner. An intake form is required for your visit to show that no contraindications are present. Please print, fill it out and bring this intake questionnaire with you if you are:

  • a new patient
  • there were any changes to your health since the last visit
  • you were having an IV longer than 2 months ago


How to prepare for intravenous (IV) infusion therapy

Intravenous Treatments