PlaqueX Therapy

PlaqueX is a compounded medicine that contains polyunsaturated phosphatidylcholine (PC). PC makes up all the cell membranes in the body as well as the transport vehicles for cholesterol, such as HDL and LDL. Cell membranes consist of a double layer of PC molecules.

Embedded in between these molecules are receptors for signaling proteins such as hormones, neurotransmitters and many more. Cholesterol molecules are also embedded in this layer to give the cell its stability.

As we age, the PC in the cell membranes becomes damaged by toxins, detergents, free radicals, heavy metals, smoking, hypertension, high blood sugar as well as high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin. With aging, the body is no longer able to produce enough PC to repair this damage.

Consequences of this damage are a cardiovascular disease with plaque deposits in the blood vessels, liver damage, kidney damage and brain damage. Besides making up all the cell membranes, PC also has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

Effects of PlaqueX

PlaqueX therapy restores cell membrane integrity and cell membrane function which normalizes the cell metabolism. This, in turn, helps to clear out plaque deposits and improve the function of all organs, including liver and kidneys. It can elevate the need for blood thinners. It also has an effect on important enzymes involved with blood lipids. It thereby reduces LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and increases HDL cholesterol.

Theraputic Uses

PlaqueX has been used since the early 50-ties and is used to treat atherosclerosis, angina pectoris,  also in patients with carotid artery plaque and peripheral plaque in the legs causing claudication pain when walking.

Because of its effect on the liver and the kidneys, it is also used to improve the function of both these organs. It can also improve skin texture and helps with a more youthful appearance.

What Does the Treatment Involve?

Before the first PlaqueX treatment is given, blood samples are taken for a determination of important serum parameters of organ function, which will be monitored during the course of the Plaquex treatment.

A check-up is usually done by the treating physician, who will discuss your present use of medications such as Beta-Blockers, Nitroglycerin and also supplements, diet and exercise with you.

How is Plaquex Administered?

It is administered intravenously over a period of 90 minutes. A minimum of 20-40 PlaqueX infusions is suggested. In severe cases of heart disease (Bypass and Angioplasty candidates) up to 45 or more treatments with PlaqueX may be required.

PlaqueX can be alternated with classical chelation treatments.

Could Plaquex Help Me?

If you are interested in finding out whether PlaqueX might benefit you, we encourage you to schedule an appointment at our clinic by calling (416) 463-2911.

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