Can toxic metals affect a person’s well-being?
Exposure to toxins influence a person’s health and can even result in illness. Some symptoms and results of heavy metal toxicity in the body are irritability, depression, memory loss, mental disturbances, anxiety, low energy, kidney and liver damage, joint pains, inflammations as well as cardiovascular dysfunction.
What are the sources of heavy metal toxicity?
- Immunization
- Dental mercury amalgam
- Water and fish (all marine life)
- Food grown in contaminated soil
- Air and industry pollution
- Perfumes, cosmetics and other fragrances
Can the body burden of heavy metals be lowered?
Yes. Along with making changes in the environment, a detoxification treatment programme is administered. The program includes the use of diet, vitamin C and oral or intravenous Heavy Metal Chelation, Plaquex Therapy and sauna sessions, especially Ozone Steam Sauna treatments.